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日期:2016-06-06 来源:南京市第一中学 作者: 浏览:
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2016年6月5日早上8点58分,“咚,咚,咚”三声浑厚有力的钟声敲响了今天的一场盛事——南京一中2016届AP班毕业典礼。为了这场毕业典礼,同学们已经准备了一月有余, 每个人都全力以赴,力求没有遗憾。

钟声带来的首先是高三AP班全体同学的音诗画朗诵《扬帆·远航》,诗篇为整场毕业典礼拉开了序幕。随着两位主持人的登场,我们迎来了“心愿封存仪式”,同学们在毕业典礼上将一个个美好的心愿搜集起来, 期待未来有一天能够再次开启。


随后,毕业典礼节目精彩纷呈,女生二重唱《Little Me》激发了观众的热情,点燃了现场的气氛。高二学生代表陈定邦发言并表达了对学长学姐的真切留恋和美好祝愿。AP项目注重薪火相传,高三同学还把自己总结的《托福30问与答》作为礼物送给了高一的学弟学妹们,希望他们可以再接再厉,早日考到自己理想的分数。






开场表演音诗画《扬帆 远航》




王静煊、陈亦诺二重唱表演《Little Me》















Fellow students, teachers, and parents,good morning!


Many days have passed and the time has flown over since I came toNanjing No.1 High School in 2010, and I have watched the school initiate key plans, one of which is the Chongwenclass. Being the frontrunner of each grade, the Chongwen class has achievedrecord-breaking academic results and a widespread good reputation. The otherplan is the AP programme, which, based on our school’s incomparable advantagesand extensive resources, is devoted to forging excellent citizens infused withChinese and western cultures, facilitating international communication, and perceivingthe world comprehensively.


Inthe past few years, with the help of teachers and the cooperation from parents,students of the AP programme achieved remarkable progress and spectacularresults.

赵墨涵同学被美国加州伯克利分校录取, 伯克利走出了72位诺贝尔奖得主, 是加州大学的创始校区,也是美国最自由、最包容的大学之一。赵墨涵同学是一个充满阳光,勇于探索的学生。她学习努力,勤学善问,积极进取。受父亲的影响,她从小就对理工科非常感兴趣,立志要成为一名女工程师,阅读了很多相关的外文资料,经常和老师特别是外教们探讨相关话题。高二暑假,她被斯坦福夏校录取,在那里与来自世界各国的学生交流学习,增长见闻,开拓视野。她的不懈努力和勤奋执着使她终于能顺利地拿到加州伯克利、佐治亚理工等世界名校的录取通知书。

Jessica has been enrolled in the University of California—Berkeleythis year. The University of California—Berkeley, home to 22 out of the 72Nobel Prize winners, is the founder of the university of California campus, andalso one of the most free and inclusive universities. Jessica is a girl with anoptimistic, open, bright, and bold personality, willing to explore new things.She has a positive, enterprising pursuit of the perfect in all things, and is agirl who also has a strong thirst for knowledge. Influenced by her father, shewas very interested in science and engineering from a young age, determined tobecome a female engineer. She read a lot of foreign language materials in thisarea, and discussed relevant topics with teachers. She was admitted intoStanford University’s summer school in her junior year, and while there exchangedstudy with students from all over the world, expanded her knowledge andbroadened her horizons. Her perseverance and dedication to her work enabled herto get accepted into UC-Berkeley, Georgia Tech. and other elite universities.

范雨莲同学是高三AP班班长,她有着突出的领导和组织协调能力。热心班级事务的她,在校期间组织策划了各种丰富多彩的活动,她曾策划南京一中第一次圣诞晚会,AP班慈善义卖和自导自演话剧《雷雨》。她还是一个具有强烈社会责任感的学生,她给六合区一个贫困家庭的孩子募捐学费,给甘肃和河南的几所贫困学校募捐了三千余本作业本。在学习上,她对自己严格要求,是当之无愧的学霸,托福111分,ACT 31分,高二时参加了5门AP考试,其中4门为5分,1门为4分,通过不懈的努力,她为自己的高中生涯交上一份满意的答卷。

Catherine, the monitor of the AP class, has outstanding leadershipand organizational skills. Enthusiastic about the affairs of their class,during the period of school she planned the first Christmas party in NanjingNo.1 High School, the charity sales of AP classes and the self-directed drama“Thunderstorm”. She also has a strong sense of social responsibility. Shehelped an underprivileged child in Luhe by raising tuition fees for him anddonated over 3,000 textbooks to several disadvantaged schools in Gansu andHenan. Because of her strict demands on herself in learning, she is truly worthyof the title Xueba. Consider her scores in the following: TOEFL 111 points, ACT31, and took 5 AP exams in her senior 2 year with four 5 points, and one 4points. Through unremitting effort, she finally has handed in a satisfactoryanswer to the whole question of her high school career.


The students of the AP class have diverse personalities. For example,there is Zoe, who is determined to create a Chinese skin care brand; Corrine,who takes an active part in lots of activities; Freya, who is good at balancingleisure time and study periods; Emi, a versatile “violin queen”; Vanessa, who isdetermined to become a diplomat; Rebecca, a happy active who falls in the soulstretch; Kristen, who is enthusiastic about the public welfare; Tom, who wantsto change the world; and Gordon, who is interested in pre-school education.


The preceding students are only a few examples of the many excellentstudents in the AP programme. Nanjing No.1 High School is a ship which you, thestudents, boarded three years ago, and is now sailing you closer to the PromisedLand. Today, the once unreachable land is around the corner; the countenance andthe torch of the Statue of Liberty are within your views. Once the ship isanchored, you will step into the U.S., ready to embark on a whole new journey.


Nanjing No.1 high school is forever your harbor. All teachers lookforward to the day when you come back with confidence and success. And I wishall students the best luck in their future studies.


Dear teachers, parents, and school mates, Iam the monitor of the AP class of 2016. I feel very honored to stand here tohave a speech and share my experiences with you.


Three years ago, when mymother tried to persuade me to go into this program, I told her “no.” I cried,I begged, and I even threatened my parents that I would jump off a building andkill myself if they dared to interfere with my life. But the threat didn’twork, and apparently, I didn’t have the guts to commit suicide, so here I am,standing here and talking to you about the best decision my parents have evermade for me.


And why is it the bestdecision? Because in this program, I met the best teachers and some of my bestfriends who brought me the biggest changes. We have the strict but thoughtfulMiss Huang who always invited groups of students from various countries here tolet us communicate, we have our dearest head teacher Miss Cao, who used hergreatest effort to take care of us when we were stressed and depressed, we havethe most handsome Program Dean Mr. C who spent his life debating with us aboutthe class schedule and test scores for our own good, we have the sweetest andkindest Miss Anna who was willing to share something “special” with us and makedelicious cakes for us. Actually, there are so many of them, both Chinese and foreign,that I want to thank but I do not have the time. Those teachers devoted theirtime and energies to us, hoping we can get a better education. I saw themanswering students’ questions patiently and pointing out their mistakes, I sawthem working so hard and staying up late after school, and I saw them arguing loudlyin the office for a more proper policy. I want to represent my class to saymany thanks to those diligent teachers, and that meeting you was the luckiestthing we have ever done.


And in this program, Imet some wonderful classmates. Rebecca, Serena, and Jessica, who are my bestfriends and always stuck with me whenever troubles came. Tom and Tony, thesweetest and universally acknowledged couple in our class, brought countlessjokes to make us laugh. Harry, your ever changing girlfriends always made uswonder how many there actually were. Anthony, we will remember you were alwaysthe first one to be betrayed by your friends when it came to class cleaning.Caroline, your talent in singing and dancing makes all of girls envious and atthe same time pleased that we have you in our class to rescue us wheneverschool events came. Candice, we will always be grateful for the help youoffered us, either before or during the exams. These are my dearest classmates,active, funny, and united. They are all special and unique, indeed I can learnsomething from each one. Within three years, we had the most joyful time. Wehave cried together and fought amongst each other, but we always made up andre-united. We used our best effort to try to make this class a more cooperativeone, and we succeeded. All of my classmates will be the ones I miss the mostafter the graduation.


When I recall the firsttime I saw my classmates, I couldn’t believe them. I couldn’t believe that Iwas going to be classmates with a boy who would tell a girl that he loves heron the first day he saw her. I also couldn’t believe that I needed to havelessons with a boy for three years who would name himself “Super”, right,Anthony? Other people thought me as this way too: Serena once told me that shecouldn’t believe that she would need to hang out with a girl who broughtcucumbers to school every day. But, now, three years later, here we are,grown-up, mature and so ready for colleges. These three years transformed usfrom immature and irresponsible kids to 25 adults who are not afraid of risksand would love to take responsibility and fight for things which worth fightingfor.


I recall my three years,and now I see the changes. Three years ago, this girl was not even a groupleader, and now she is elected class monitor. Three years ago, this girl didn’thave the guts to read a small article she wrote in front of her class, now shecan stand here, talking to you confidently. Three years ago, this girl didn’tdare to join any school activities, now she seizes every opportunity and evencreate new ones. Three years ago, this girl wouldn’t take responsibility forher own study, now she cares about the society and helps others voluntarily. Throughoutthe three years, she is thankful to herself for continuing to self-inspect andself-improve, but more of the thanks are said to her teachers and classmatesfor always putting up with her and giving her support. That’s what made herchange into a better person than she ever thought she could be.


Thank you very much!



亲爱的老师、家长、同学们:上午好!我是高二AP班的陈定邦。今天我带着一份羡慕和激动、一份祝福和不舍、一份压力和憧憬,参加高三AP班的毕业典礼。三年前, 你们播种了希望,付出了努力,开启今天迈向海外求学之路。在此,请允许我代表高一、高二AP班的学弟学妹向圆满完成三年学习任务的学哥学姐们表示衷心的祝贺!

昨天看到高三AP班空空的教室…我知道我们分别的时刻就要来临! 回望过去的二年,总有一种亲切让我们泪流满面,总有一种力量让我们信心百倍:难忘二年前报到时,那个蝉声清鸣、树影婆娑的日子,你们指导怀揣着期待和欣喜的我们,在一张张信息单上地写下自己的名字,引领我们从操场走向新的教室;难忘开学典礼上,我们一起憧憬未来,放声歌唱;难忘第一次义卖时精心组织,卖力吆喝,助力慈善,让我们把那份热情和爱心传递下去;难忘一起出行游学时,带给我们的鼓励帮助和欢乐;难忘操场上我们一起将友谊的汗水挥洒在篮球架下;难忘你们将自己的一本本错题本、英文书籍借给我们看时的那份慷慨相助;难忘你们到班里来演讲时的一丝不苟,无私传授学习经验,为我们指点迷津…. 我们一起走走停停,相互扶持,那些曾经的日子,连缀成一条青春的足迹,一头连着成长,一头通向成熟。


泰戈尔说过:“无论黄昏把树的影子拉得多长,它总是和根连在一起。” 亲爱的学哥学姐们,在这个柳絮飘飞的六月,你们即将离别母校,奔向美好的前程。我想对你们说,无论你走得多远,我们的始终和你们的心连在一起!祝愿你们取得更大的辉煌!     




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