2017年6月11日,天朗气清,惠风和畅。南京一中图书馆前广场,流光溢彩,华灯绽放。晚七时许, 2017届高三AP班毕业典礼隆重举行。AP班全体学生、部分中外教师、部分学生家长参加,尤小平校长、张苏皖书记和学工处张红主任出席。
2017届AP班班长陈定邦作了精彩的英文演讲。周北涵同学的母亲张爱冬女士做主题发言。班主任吴中英老师发表题为“不忘初心,平衡为美” 的精彩感言。“识得平衡方为美,不忘初心真英雄。”在这堂短暂而特殊的 “化学课”上,引领学生发现化学之美,感悟动态平衡思想的魅力。
典礼庄重而不失活泼。与AP班毕业生范雨莲 、朱美恩现场连线,再现师生之间心灵对话、真情流动。一曲唯美的长笛独奏《梁祝》,令人动容。由高一AP班钱靖轩等12位同学呈现的尤克里里弹唱《掀起你的盖头来》,尽显民族风情。高二AP班刘洛辰等14位同学倾情演绎,小合唱《You Raise Me Up》惊艳全场。和着音乐,同学们不约而同向每一位老师献上一束美丽的鲜花,或紧紧相拥,或轻声叮咛。
Fellow students, teachers, and parents, good evening!
Many days have passed and the time has flown over.
Today we are here to hold a ceremony to witness the students from Nanjing No 1 Middle School, starting a new journey of the future life. I would like to extend my warm congratulations to all the students who have once again created the brilliant glory for our school; to all the Chinese and foreign teacher who dedicated quietly for your growth and to all the parents who strongly support our school work.
五年前,为了满足同学们的不同的选择,为了给同学提供广阔的成才与发展空间,帮助同学们考入理想的世界名校与专业,为了率先实现教育教学与国际接轨,学校决定引进国际领先的美国大学先修课程(Advanced Placement Program,简称AP课程)体系,开设AP课程班。学校成为南京市首个开设AP课程的学校;也是到目前为止,南京市唯一一所经市教育局和市财政局批准开办AP课程的学校。
Five years ago, in order to meet our students’ different choices and provide a broad development space, helping our students enter the world’s famous colleges and meeting the international standards of education, our school decided to introduce the international leading Program (Advanced Placement Program, referred to as AP course ). Nanjing No 1 Middle School has become the first school in Nanjing to offer AP courses and the only institution in Nanjing that has approved the AP program by the Education Bureau and the Municipal Finance Bureau.
Over the past five years, we have been exploring in our journey and we are advancing in the process of our exploration. We have also made many achievements. 100% of our graduates have been accepted by the top 100 universities in the world. Some of them are now studying in top-ranking schools. This will be marked and fondly remembered in the history of our school. Class of 2017, you are fortunate to be able to study in the AP program which has a mature system of curriculum, excellent learning resources and advanced educational philosophy. Furthermore, we will be taught by teachers who are fully committed to the students and teaching. I am happy to be able to witness an all-round development in everyone of you while you study here. What will make me even happier is that you are becoming more and more mature in the process of studying: learning to understand who you are, boldly facing your strengths and weaknesses and constantly improving yourselves, which is demonstrated through your rational choice of higher education institutions. Today, I can say, with pride, that our school’s international program has made Nanjing No. 1 Middle School stand out among our fellow schools, and we owe this large to you, the students.
同学们,高中毕业,是人生道路上的一个关键转折点。过一段时间,你们将要远渡重洋,踏上异国他乡的求学之路。在此,我还要说几句临别赠言,与大家共勉。“但愿每次回忆,对生活都不感到负疚。”这是无数人曾誓言青春无悔的标准台词。但敢不敢面对这份“无悔”的渴望,能不能去追求内心理想?其根本还是在内心的勇气和魄力。梁启超曾说,“人生须知负责任的苦处,才能知道尽责任的乐趣。”担当是一种态度和习惯,青春是打开了就合不上的书,人生是踏上了就回不了头的路。勇于担当才能体现青春的价值,才能拥有自信。人生的关键时刻只有几步,特别是在年轻的时候。只有“担当”成为了青春的习惯,成为你的习惯,一条“无悔”前路才能铺就开来,在时代洪流中,承载起自身、社会乃至国家、民族的梦想与未来。Graduating from high school is a turning point in your life. You will soon embark on a long journey abroad to pursue your college study. I’d like to say a few words before your departure, “We hope that we wouldn’t feel regretful every time we recall the days we spent.” These are the words that many people would use when pledging a regretless youth. However, whether or not you dare to face your yearning and pursue your dream really depends on how courageous and determined you are. Liang Qicao once said, “ one needs to know the hardship that responsibility bears before he enjoys the pleasure of the responsibility.” Being responsible is an attitude and a habit. Youth is a book whose pages are turned and cannot be closed. Life is a journey and it cannot be re-lived. Only by being responsible can one realize her values and obtain her confidence. There are but a few steps that are critical in our lives, especially when we are young. A regretless way will unfold itself when being responsible becomes the habit.Let us shoulder the responsibility of ourselves, of the society and of the vision of this nation.
Former US President Barack Obama used to make a speech at Peking University, ‘study abroad is not just about improving your own future, it is also about shaping your country and the future of the world we share.’ Indeed, your study abroad today is not just to change your own future, but also to shoulder the responsibility of the nation's hope. I hope that you take advantage of young youth, reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles. You should strive to become a person with world feelings, national connotation, international perspective, proficient in international rules, participation in international affairs and competition of high-quality talent. You can always write your most brilliant and beautiful life.
Dear students, Nanjing No.1 Middle School is forever your harbor. No matter where you are, your alma mater will bless you.I have the confidence that you will be the pride of your alma mater and the backbone of the nation!
Thank you !
法国思想者、科学家H.L. Le Chatelier于1888年发现动态平衡移动原理。如果改变影响平衡的一个条件(如浓度、压强或温度等),平衡就向能够减弱这种改变的方向移动。
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I feel very honored to stand here and represent the senior three AP students to say something about my life for the last three years at this school.
First, I want to say, congratulationsto all the senior three AP students who have chosen the university which they admire from the bottom of the heart. And I believe that you are going to have a better future when you go abroad. Today’s graduation ceremony is not just a summary of the last three years, but it’s also a look into the future. someone once said that you will not have an ending if you don’t have a beginning. Three years ago, we didn’t know what our ending would be. However, happy momentsare always short. We shouldsave this moment in our mind and let these beautiful memories become part of our lives.
As these last three years progressed, we faded away our childish ways and replaced them with maturity and responsibility. We transform gradually from a children to young adults, from naïve people to mature ones. Obviously, it is not just a name change, it is the sublimation of psychology, is more of learning to say thank you.
感恩学校,南京一中这所百年名校,以“求真务实”的精神,塑造了一批又一批的高素质人才。从趣味运动会到三十三公里环城走,学校以学生为本,文明其精神,野蛮其体魄,加强学生体育锻炼,充分做到了劳逸结合,让我们的学校生活不再枯燥无味。I want to say thank you toNanjing No One Middle School.With its spirit of seeking truth and practicality, has built a lot of high-competent students. From the fun sports meeting to 33 km walk around the city, the school makes the students as its basic, civilizations its spirit, savages its body, strengthens students' sports exercise and let out school life not boring at all.
感恩老师,老师是我们学习道路上的指引者:他们引领门外汉的我们入门,基础做起,扎扎实实;他们引领初学者的我们殿堂,克服难点,努力提高;他们有引领小有所成的我们入室,举一反三,融会贯通。上课时,严谨认真的中方老师,为我们答疑解惑,品略中国文化;活泼开朗的外方老师,为我们开拓眼界,更好地提高英语水平。下课时,老师们与我们畅所欲言,古今中外,天文地理,不时能听到大家爽朗的笑声。良师益友这个词在这些老师们的身上得到了充分展现。I want to say thank you to our teachers, they guide us down the road of study: they lead us to the beginning, help us build a solid foundation. They lead us to the beginner's halls, overcome difficulties, and try to improve us; They draw inferences about other cases from one instance. In the class, the strict and patient Chinese teachersanswer all of our questions. The lively and cheerful foreign teachers would like to broaden our horizon and improve our English. After class, the teachers would like to speak freely with us. We talk about nearly everything, from History to Geography. It is easy for you to hear the laugh from us. The saying“A Teacher is also a friend “”has been demonstrated in these teachers.
感恩父母。世界上有一种工作,每天要工作24小时,没有工资,但工作者却心甘情愿,全力奉献:他们是父母。昂贵的学习费用和陌生的生活环境,我们的父母为了我们的未来做出了这份决定。相较于国内一成不变的高考模式和未来竞争压力大的工作环境,我们的父母希望我们能够走出国门,在国外较为自主的学习模式中,掌握自己所感兴趣和专长的职业,努力打拼出一片属于自己的蓝天。树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待。思乡之情在出国之后更为浓烈,何不现在学会独立自主,让父母对你的国外生活更加放心。I want to say thank you to our parents. There is one job in this world that requires one to work 24 hours a day withoutpayment, but the ones who do this job are willing and dedicated: they are parents. Expensive learning and unfamiliar living conditions, our parents make decisions for our future. Compared to the domestic fixed mode of the college entrance examination and future competition pressure working environment, our parents want us to go abroad, in a more autonomous learning mode in foreign countries, and to master our own interests and get into our own professions. Homesick is a common situation after going abroad, so you should learn to be independent now and make your parents feel relieved about your life abroad.
I also want to say thank you to my classmates, you are my most precious memory: do you remember your teammates who shed sweat and tears on the playground? Do you remember the table that silently gave you answers when you stood up and answered questions? Whether or not you remember the high-fives given after a good speech, or remember the words of encouragement you gave each otherwhen you participated in the charity walk. It is my pleasure to remember the slogan of the military training, and the joy near by the campfire.
我们在未来的这条路上也许会非常辛苦, 但是人生就像是装满巧克力的盒子,你永远也不会知道接下来会吃到什么味道。我们用自己辛勤的汗水,用最好的自己回报我们的母校、回报我们的老师。三年虽然匆匆而过,AP只是我们生命中的驿站,但AP的老师和同学们绝对不是我们生命中的过客!在未来,在天长地久的尽头,依旧没有人能抢走。
The future of the road will be very hard, but life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get. We use our hard work to repay our teachers with our best selves. Although the three years have passed, the AP is just the post station in our life, but the teachers and students of AP are definitely notvisitors of our lives! In the future, at the end of the long earth, no one can take it away.
Ihope we will all have a better future.
每个人都会有烦恼:学习、工作、家庭、情感等等,你越抱怨麻烦就越多,积压久了会像一堵无形的墙,构成你成长的逆境。所以,遇到烦恼的事情,不要回避压抑,要懂得倾诉,学会求助。当然,对于解决不好或着也解决不了的问题,那就把它放下,用心甘情愿的态度接受它,用随遇而安的方式忽视它,你就会在逆境中经受磨练,快乐成长。如果有一天,真的感觉很累、很难过……那就选择回到父母身边, 毕竟健康平安才是人世间最简单也是最奢侈的幸福!
2、文艺表演 歌舞串烧 《Try》
表演者:2017届AP班 赖思成等
3、校长致辞 尤小平校长讲话
4、励志发言 2017届AP班班长陈定邦发言
5、家长致辞 2017届AP班家长代表发言
6、文艺表演 尤克里里弹唱《掀起你的盖头来》
7、连线远方 与AP班毕业生范雨莲(朱美恩)现场对话
8、毕业感言 毕业感言视频、现场访谈
9、文艺表演 女生小合唱《You Raise Me Up》
表演者:(高二AP班) 刘洛辰、熊宁远、周昱希、王 煊、张 倩、陈乐涵、陈昊冉、李斯瑶、
万若婷、王亭月、庄 周、陈惠雯、蒋 珊、许雅涵、邓妍欣、贺心怡
10、老师的祝福 视频《中方老师的祝福》、《外籍老师的祝福》
11、颁发毕业证书 尤小平校长、张苏皖书记颁发毕业证书
12、班主任致辞 吴中英老师发言
开场视频《扬帆 · 我们去远方》
高二AP班同学表演女生小合唱《You Raise Me Up》